How to apply
The Eden Health District has simplified the process of applying for a grant. If your organization is seeking funding below $5,000, you may use the two-page Short Form. For organizations seeking funding up to $25,000, the Long Form must be followed closely, with all required documentation attached. Directions for following both of these applications can be found in detail on the application forms.
Our staff is also available to help in answering questions regarding the grant applications as well as questions regarding any grant reporting requirements.

The following information is to help you understand the application and review process and what to expect once your application is considered by the Board.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Eden Health District Board of Directors and designated staff. During the review process, Eden Health District may require additional information from applicants. This information may be obtained through oral or written clarification of a proposal and/or site visits. Individual meetings regarding grant applications between a grant applicant and a District Board member, officer or staff outside of the established grant awards process will be prohibited. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff may provide technical assistance to grant applicants upon request.
Eden Health District maintains a grant selection process which is fair and equitable to all applicants. Eligible applications are reviewed carefully by the Board of Directors in public session. Funding decisions are final and not subject to an appeals or grievance process.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received in answer to their request if a proposal is deemed inappropriate or incomplete or is not in the best interest of Eden Health District.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to withdraw their Request for Proposal at any time without prior notice. Further, Eden Health District makes no representation that any grant will be awarded to any applicant responding to their Request for Proposal.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received in answer to their request or to award an amount less than requested. Eden Health District may negotiate separately with any proposal applicant when such action shall be considered in the best interest of Eden Health District. An award may be made without discussion or after limited negotiations.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to negotiate all portions of the Contract Agreement, including but not limited to, the Program Budget and Scope of Service; and, may not award all or part of a grant if negotiations are unsuccessful.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to extend the Request for Proposal submission deadline should such action be in the best interest of Eden Health District. The applicants may revise its proposal in the event the deadline is extended.
- Eden Health District reserves the right to retain all submitted proposals, and the proposals shall become the property of Eden Health District.
- All proposals are public documents.
- Not all project proposals received by Eden Health District can be funded. Since Eden Health District receives funding requests far in excess of available grant funds, only a small portion of the requests can be approved. A decision not to fund a proposal does not reflect on the merits of the applicant or the value of the proposal, but rather results from limited resources.
All costs of proposal preparation shall be borne by the applicant agency. Eden Health District shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by the applicant in the preparation and/or submission of the proposal. The applicant shall not include any such expenses as part of the budget. The proposal shall always include the applicant’s best terms and conditions. The proposal shall set forth full, accurate, and complete information as required by the Request For Proposal.
Once the Board approves a grant, the applicant will receive a Grant Agreement. This Agreement, between Eden Health District and the agency, specifies the terms and conditions of the funding, including all reporting requirements. Each prospective grantee should closely review the requirements of the Grant Agreement. Successful applicants will receive funding as outlined in the Grant Agreement once the Agreement is fully executed. In some cases, a portion of the funding will be given upon execution of the contract, with the balance funded upon completion of a designated status report, usually mid-year. If the applicant agency has questions about any portion of the Grant Agreement, contact Barbara Adranly at prior to submitting the Agreement.
As a public agency, Eden Health District is charged with providing services to residents of the cities of Hayward and San Leandro and the unincorporated areas of Castro Valley, San Lorenzo, Ashland, and Cherryland. All grantees are required to maintain appropriate records (as defined by the grantee) of people served by Community Health Fund supported programs and, upon request, make this information available to Eden Health District. This information will be handled and maintained by Eden Health District in the strictest confidence to the extent permissible by law.