Who We Are

Ronna Gonsalves

Position: Board Member | Zone 2 – East Hayward

Term: December, 2024 to December, 2028

Email Address: Ronna.Gonsalves@ethd.org

Training: Ethics Training Certificate | Form 700

Director Gonsalves has served as the Clerk of the Board of Trustees for Alameda Health System, the County’s safety net health system, since 2017.  She has worked in the City Clerk arena for a variety of municipalities around the Bay Area for nearly 20 years. 

She has always taken a boots-on-the-ground approach to helping people, through her volunteer work at a wide range of activities from serving on the Board of Directors for the League of Women Voters Eden Area, to volunteering as a crisis counselor on the 9-8-8 line, to teaching adults how to read, to distributing food at food pantries, and much more. 

Director Gonsalves holds a degree in Public Administration and has recently returned to university to get degrees in Religious Studies and Philosophy. 

When not working or volunteering, she is an avid reader, an enthusiastic writer, and a very bad knitter.  She has two adult children, two bossy cats, and a husky with Heterochromia who thinks she is the boss of all the things.

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