Thomas E. Lorentzen, Castro Valley resident, and Board Member of the Eden Health District has been appointed to the National Advisory Committee to the Eisenhower Memorial Commission.
The Commission, created by an act of Congress in 1999, to create a memorial on the National Mall to President Dwight D. Eisenhower has some 30 members on its Advisory Committee, including NBC’s Tom Brokaw, Senator Robert Dole and former Secretary of State George Shultz. In addition to serving on this committee Lorentzen is also working as the Senior Consultant to the Eisenhower Commission.
“This appointment touches me deeply – it was President Eisenhower who first peaked my interest in history and politics. And it was Eisenhower who first addressed health, education, and welfare as issues to be put on the national radar screen by forming the U.S. Department of Health Services,” says Lorentzen.
In 2007 and 2008 Lorentzen served as Regional Director for the U.S. Department of Health Services (HHS) in Region IX. He also served as a speech-writer and Special Assistant to the Secretary of HHS in 1985. Lorentzen served in appointed positions in three U.S. Presidential administrations at HHS, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Education, and the General Services Administration.
An ETHD Board member since December 2014, Lorentzen says, “I’ve been involved in health policy for the past 30 years. Now, the Eden Health District offers me the opportunity to bring my experiences and resources back to the community I grew up in. It’s a real privilege.”